External Mailing Lists

External Mailing List Options

Mailing lists can be submitted via email to iuprint@indiana.edu in a properly formated Excel spreadsheet. Please see the example shown below.

  • The number under each column header signifies the maximum number of characters per column.
  • Some columns may not apply to your mailing list (ID# is one example). If a column does not apply, leave it blank.
  • Be sure to use the proper two-letter abbreviation for the state, and only use the "Country" column for international addresses.
  • The column "Name 2" is only used when there is an additional name in the address file.
  • For campus addresses, use the campus code in the "City" column.
1ID#Name 1Name 2OrganizationDepartmentAddress 1Address 2CityStateZipCountry
230 char5050505050503021040

National Change of Address Service (NCOA)

NCOA processing compares your mailing lists (see example of proper Excel format above) to the national postal database and provides a report you can use to update your addresses. Our system is also compliant with the USPS Move Update Standards that reqires mailers to demonstrate that they have updated their mailing list within 95 days before the mailing date.

This service is available to help reduce the amount of undeliverable mail and postage costs. 

  • Lists will be returned to you with all correct and incorrect addresses identified.
  • The list owner is responsible for updating addresses with the changes provided.
  • Changes must be documented and saved in case of a postal audit at the list owner level.
  • Once the address list is updated, you are ready for your next mailing!

A USPS Standard A Postage Statement AND an Indiana University Bulk Mail Authorization form must be submitted to the USPS for processing with your mailing. This form can be prepared by our Customer Service Representatives.

This service is provided at no charge if Document Services prints the mailing. There is a $50.00 minimum fee per list, if the mailing is printed by an external vendor.

Variable Information Printing Service Available

What is Variable Information Printing? VIP is an on-demand printing service in which elements such as text, graphics and images can be changed from one printed piece to the next. Document Services is ready for your Variable Information Printing order. Produce a unique printed design piece with personalized information that will help your message go further.

There is a $25 setup fee, plus a $.05 charge per piece.